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System Development
The combination of SelectStar's breadth and depth of knowledge in a varity of industries along with solid core competencies in systems development, strategic vision, business intelligence, and engineering disciplines forms the platform to deliver world-class value from technology initiatives.   We deliver high end results derived from the following disciplines:

    Expand Requirements Gathering
    Structured requirements gathering ensures the software being developed behaves in a manner that fulfills all business objectives and delivers the intended value to the end user. Defining software requirements makes certain that the business needs of the organization are accurately and effectively communicated to the development team.
    Expand Prototyping & Proof of Concept
    Up front prototyping and proofing alleviate unnecessary costs and delays during actual software development
    Expand Architectual Analysis and Design
    Proper architectural considerations and decisions made early on in the software development process allow for longevity and enhancing over time
    Expand Object Oriented Design
    Expand Scope Maintenance
    Identifying the business rationale behind the development of the software is critical to further determine and analyze the tasks to be implemented within the scope of the project
    Expand Quality Assurance
    Expand Defect Tracking
    Expand Change Management